Currently, I am finalizing about 20 new additions to my Pharmacopoeia series.
Mark Allen Soderstrom

Where’s the Rest of Me?
The Ronald Reagan Story
Ronald Reagan and Richard G. Heubler
Humboldt County Library, Eureka Branch
921 Reagan
…Tampico in Illinois,..
…Kings Row…
…John Edward Reagan…
…a first-generation black Irishman.
…was a free family that loved each other up to the…
…brother, John Neil Reagan,..
From Chicago, we moved to Galesburg, Illinois.
…impressed with the big green trees…
…dark red brick streets;
…at the age of five, I learned to read.
…my mother took time to sit down every night and read books to us,..
…no kindergarten in those days-we moved again, this time to Mammoth,…
After her wobbly recovery, we moved again. My father got an excellent job as the manager of a general store back in Tampico.
…a clear-bottomed creek;
..,there was a deep and treacherous canal which we always used for swimming. It was dangerous to those who could not handle themselves in water;..
…big gap of two years between Neil and myself…
…traveling our own paths. Hence this was…
…friends of the inseparable buddy type. With mine I covered the countryside.