Currently, I am finalizing about 20 new additions to my Pharmacopoeia series.
Mark Allen Soderstrom
Infrastructure Development: 101
Infrastructure Development: 101 is a series of twelve paintings that use highways and various other elements extracted from common road maps. Collectively they began as a process for testing the methods to be used in the larger scale Infrastructure Development series.
The collective pieces represent every person with whom I’ve had a romantic connection with at some point in my life. This method of working stems back many years through different creations that variously used sticks and light-cone diagrams to metaphorically illustrate the paths of characters and events through space and time. Infrastructure Development 101 also adds to the string of autobiographical projects I have done as part of entertaining a compulsion to simultaneously express intimate feelings in a candid way while dualistically being able to take safe refuge behind chronological distance and the abstraction of symbolism.
All works are mixed media on wood panel from 2008.

Infrastructure Development: 101; SL '93
11" x 6 1/4"

Infrastructure Development: 101; RC '93-'95
27 1/4" x 12"

Infrastructure Development: 101; SJ/C '85-'86
16" x 8"

Infrastructure Development: 101; SJ '88-'90
14" x 30"

Infrastructure Development: 101; SM '84
7" x 7"

Infrastructure Development: 101; AB '90
11 3/4" x 10 1/4"

Infrastructure Development: 101; VR '97-'01
40" x 8"

Infrastructure Development: 101; C '96
11 3/4" x 10 1/4"

Infrastructure Development: 101; SF '88-'89
18 1/4" x 12"

Infrastructure Development: 101; SR-A '86-'88
6" x 18 1/4"